The Story So Far… (Part 1)


  • Karl P Sherrmak – Human Saboteur
  • Callissa – Chiss Trailblazer
  • Alex Alexandro Alexis – Human Sharpshooter and Force Sensitive

The Rescue:

  • Tuhpavek – Twi’Lek ambassador to Malastare being held on Felucia
  • Recon reveals prisoners are being selected by an Inquisitor, some are being transported to the orbiting Star Destroyer
  • Prison facility controlled by System Govenor, Moff Harken
  • Inquisitor Orys Typho always accompanied by two Death Troopers – Right side of face disabled & scarred – Speaks Quietly, but can always be heard
  • On breaking into the facility it is revealed that the Inquisitor is looking for Force Sensitives
  • Tuhpavek has mistakenly been identified as potentially Force Sensitive, but in reality it is his daughter Nimmi
  • Tuhpavek’s wife and daughter (Lexa and Nimmi) are being held on the Star Destroyer to ensure his compliance
  • Tuhpavek won’t leave the prison facility until he is sure his family are safe
  • The Crew infiltrate the Star Destroyer and rescue Lexa and Nimmi – but a security image is take
    Showing Karl dressed as an Imperial Officer flanked by two Stormtroopers
  • Lexa and Nimmi recovered – return to Felucia to free Tuhpavek
  • Prison facility destoyed – prisoners evacuated
  • Moff Harken badly injured, but revived by Karl
  • Executive order passed by Moff Harken placing ‘dead or alive’ bounty on the Crew.
  • Cerria Madas is given the job.
  • Crew are Blacklisted – the Underworld equivalent of the most wanted rankings – Only high ranking officials can do this
  • Bounty later updated by Inquisitor Typho – Prisoners are not under any circumstances to be harmed – picture of Karl circulated

Friends Like These:

  • Asked to reply to emergency message from Xorrn
  • Foundry Four to be attacked soon – need help fortifying location
  • Possible allies
    Mandalorian Mercenaries – Callissa gets drunk and fights Mandalorian warriors – this seems to impress them
    Zygerrian Slavers guild – Crew won’t deal with slavers
  • Successfully defend Foundry Four – Alex given sniper rifle upgrade

Sienar Prototype:

  • Crew given task of stealing TIE prototype
  • Tracked down Grexi Reeven on Coruscant – through Vrovun an old friend of Karl’s family
    Grexi will give them data if they plant a comms device on the Renegade’s Blood – an Imperial Listening Station disguised as a pleasure barge
    This will give him access to the Imperial Data Feed
    Grexi hangs out at the Iron Hive – a cantina with fighting pits in the back
    He later shows the crew the image of Karl with the Stormtroopers and updates them on the status of the bounty
  • Test pilot turns out to be Callissa’s sister – Tara
  • Testing is being done on location of old Sith temple
  • Alex gets Holocron
  • Get back to Coruscant – Grexi is missing – Vrovun hasn’t seen him in two days
  • Ship still in dock
  • Fight with Cerria Madas – thought dead when speeder bike destroyed
  • Get info from Data Feed on Renegade’s Blood
    Felucia project moved to Eriadu
    Bount altered by Inquisitor Typho – Prisoners not to be harmed
    Test due in three days on Raxus Prime

Onslaught at Arda I:

  • Crew arrive at Arda I – TO PICK UP 5T0-MPY
  • Helped to defend the base from Imperial Attack
  • Discovered Imperial Spy Var Narek

The Perlemian Haul:

  • Find cargo of frozen people
  • Make a deal with Torga Besadii Arranth – Callissa gets an arm implant – he has taken Nimmi hostage, but will release her if they work for him

The Vault:

  • A data vault on Vandor
  • Given job to destroy data – From Torga the Hutt – but they steal it instead
  • Meet Sergeant Berrus – sent with a Rebel Cell to retrieve the data

Echo Base:

  • Called to Echo Base to explain why they were at The Vault
  • 5T0-MPY decrypts some of the data from the vault
    Lists of Spice Mining operations, Smugglers, Routes etc – Karl’s Dad’s name is on the list
  • Tuhpavek gives the Crew a mountain retreat on Ryloth – 3 hours outside of Lessu
  • Overlooks plains – Bantha herds roaming
  • Someone on security scanner – same time each day
  • Save Echo Base by destroying the AT-AT that was heading for the transport hangar

Debts to Pay:

  • Torga won a mine in a game of Sabaac
  • Check everything is in working order and return with Torgas 100,000 credits cut of the profits
  • Karl steals EVERYTHING!!
  • Chef Droid – C4-3F
  • Nurse Droid – NU-R53


  • Asked by Sergeant Berrus to escort Diplomat to the Gladiator – a large freighter used as extraction route
  • Four day journed – bodies start turning up
  • Cryo pods aboard
  • Shapeshifter is trying to assissinate the Diplomat
  • Alex finds Sith Blade in cargo of antiques
  • Rest of cargo is Besadii spice

Lessons from the Past:

  • 3 x Tactical Assassin droids & Repair Bear [Basilisk]

Mos Shutta:

  • Distress from Sergeant Berrus – 7 miles west of Mos Shutta – needs extraction
  • he’s with Tara – she helped him escape
  • Teemo the Hutt has been trading cryo pods with Inquisitor Typho
  • Crew discover that Jon Sherrmak made a fortune getting noble families off Alderaan before the attack – including Inquisitor Typho
    Jon had been shipping cryo pods for Typho before Alderaan and had kidnapped Kert to keep this going
    Part of Jon’s payment had been in ancient antiques – those on the Gladiator and were being sent to Teemo to for information about Kert’s location
    Vorvun got Petrella and Kerri to safety
  • Tara screwed the crew over and there was a run-in with Inquisitor Typho before they escaped

Hidden Depths:

  • Travel to Phemis to get crystal for lightsaber
  • Fight with Imperials and exploration of cave system


  • Alex having dreams about a dark sea and the hands of fearful people pulling you under the waves
  • Torga – A Captain Darend owes him money for information he provided
    He was to be paid in Alderaan antiques, but the shipment was lost
    Bringing him in will go a long way to paying off Callissa’s debts
  • Data feed from Grexi
    Next shipment almost ready to leave Coruscant – taking new route to avoid problems – this was a bounty hunter trap
    Tara has located target – moving in to apprehend – that will get deliveries moving again – Captain Darend kept in Interrogation Facility at Polis Massa base
    Alex shoots Jon, but doesn’t know who he is

Cholganna Exchange:

  • Small number of Force Sensitives have been living on Cholgana – requesting asylum from the Rebel Alliance
  • They are being hunted – too many have gone missing lately
  • Sergeant Berrus and Nimmi sent to make contact – since lost contact
  • Imperial base centered around an old YV-666 – cryo freezing facility run by Jon and Tara
  • Run in with Inquisitor Typho – he gives Alex the word ‘Chorax’

Rescue of Kert Shermak:

  • Having trouble getting Tara out of the cryo pod – she’s perfectly safe, but it can’t be deactivated
  • Teemo has Kert on Mos Shutta – keeping him for Inquisitor Typho
  • Jon and Tara are the only ones who know Inquisitor Typho’s plan – Jon won’t talk until Kert is safe
  • Probably the most boring jailbreak in history!!


  • Typho is on Chorax
  • This is the planet Alex has been dreaming about
  • Using frozen Force Sensitives to open Ancient Sith Temple
  • Fight with Inquisitor Typho – he’s washed away by the water flooding the temple
  • No body was ever found