Inquisitor’s Report

Datafile: JW-987-662-IE
Source: The Vault – Imperial Data Processing Base – Vandor System
Decrypted By: 5T0-MP1
Processing Time: 4 Days – 8 Hours – 47 Minutes
Submitted to Rebel Intelligence Officer: FALSE


Events are unfolding precisely as you have foreseen. We are almost ready to move onto the final stage.

Building work on the installation is complete. Most of the construction droids have already had their memories wiped. I will deal with the sentient workers in due course to ensure their silence.

Nobody will know the location other than myself, my pilot and my two most trusted guards. Even if we are found the environmental conditions alone make it unlikely we will be attacked.

Your excellency must truly be one with the Dark Side to have sensed this place from such a distance. Even now, standing in front of the doors I am aware of nothing more than a dim shadow. Soon we will enter and see what wonders await us.

The next part of the plan will require more sensitives. I have instructed many slave traders to send what they have to me in return for certain concessions. The quality however leaves much to be desired. I have a few leads on more powerful specimens and have employed the services of the bounty hunter’s guild to help bring them in.

Is there any news on the final piece of the puzzle? I have ultimate faith in your foresight and believe it will make it’s way into our hands, but I am eager to proceed.

Ever your obedient servant,
Inquisitor Orys Typho.