Doctor’s Diagnosis

Doctor Rees Vinder walked into the med-center. The blast doors slid shut behind her as the lights flickered on and the 2-1B droid in the corner made it’s way to meet her at the console in the middle of the room.

“Can you bring up the scans again please 1B?”.

“Of course Doctor. More tests?”.

“No, not yet. I just want to make sure I haven’t missed anything.”.

The truth was she was in the dark. A patient had come in with something embedded in her arm and had no idea what it was. She’d run every test she had and was still no closer to figuring it out.

“It’s made of a material that we can’t penetrate. We’ve tried a full spectrum scan and it’s not transmitting anything that we can pick up. It’s not just embedded in the skin either, those two prongs are punched directly into the bone.”.

“Part of me wants to just observe it for a while and see what happens, but knowing who put it there I don’t think it’s an option. Do you have any suggestions 1B?”.

“It seems to me Doctor”, replied the droid, “That the only logical course of action is to remove the arm.”.

Vinder didn’t reply. She was too busy studying the scans.

“Shall I prep for surgery?”, asked the droid.