Leaving Echo Base

Life had changed a lot in the last few months. Gone was the excitement of city life, friends, university, travel, parties. Ever since her family was kidnapped and taken to Felucia they’d been on the run.

Nimmi looked at the stack of books on her desk, her only form of entertainment in the freezing cold of Echo Base. They wouldn’t grant her computer access, too afraid she would contact her friends and give away their location.

She’d taken to reading books about the history of the Jedi Order. The Rebel Alliance had plenty of those. They were banned and even owning a copy was a death sentence on most Imperial worlds.

She knew she was different, she’d been hiding her abilities since she was a little girl. Now the secret was out she may as well learn all she could about them.

Her journal lay open on her bed showing a passage she was committing to memory:

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.

The books called it the Jedi Code. The creed of an ancient order almost wiped out over twenty years ago at the start of the Galactic Empire. Maybe it was all nonsense, but something about it spoke to her.

She’d exhausted the information in the books, it was time she sought out a genuine Jedi Master. Rumour said a handful still existed scattered and hiding throughout the Galaxy. A rumour backed up by her dreams.

The dreams!

Her most persistent dream involved a member of the Rebel cell who had rescued her family from Felucia. It made her uneasy. One way or another it always seemed to result in death, though the ending was never the same.

Another dream was about a place. Somewhere she felt a compulsion to visit. She only had a name, Nar Shaddaa. She had no idea where it was, and without computer access she couldn’t look it up.

She picked up the journal and threw it in her bag. There was a supply transport leaving in a few hours. If she could sneak aboard she could get to a space port. Someone there would take her where she needed to go for the right price.